Reviews for "Self-Titled"

1. "These songs have a good melody! It was refreshing to hear songs that contain
that raw aggression but still have melody."

- ianjulington - Union Park, Florida (

2. "That's a really cool opening album riff. Grabs the listener's attention immediately, and works well in the chorus later. The guitars sound great as well! Nice and chunky! Vocals are great, gravelly Vedder-ish throaty sounds in the higher range. Cool hook, kept me nodding all the way through the CD. I enjoyed this a lot."- baronofbass - Leamington Spa , Warwickshire, United Kingdom (

3. "Nice and heavy songs! Guitars are thick! Great songs."
- coz696969 - Fayetteville, Arkansas (

4. "Foo Fighters and Godsmack in here! Awesome! Guitars are great and solid, catchy riffs."
- chemscab - Camdenton, Missouri

5. "The hooks and style of this guys singing is awesome! The guitar riffs really add to the whole feel and power of the song. " Just great!"
- WishList09 - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

6. "This has great guitar sounds. POWERFUL! Sounds like B sides to a Godsmack record. HUGE!"
- jabberbox - Fullerton, California (

7. "Songs that people will scream in their cars! Great!"
- EpicMan - Anaheim, California (

8. "Shit! This is a great CD! Gotta see them live."
- Zoen - Barrie, Ontario

9. "Great performance! Great elements that would rock a live crowd."
- Asymmetry - Seattle, Washington  

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